After the death of their father, Sigurd wants to bury the hatchet and forgive his half siblings, Astrid and Jens, for how they treated him as kids. But this does not go as planned, as Astrid and Jens do not believe they've done anything that warrants forgiveness. Sigurd feels snubbed and realizes that what he actually wants is an apology but this demand only escalates an already tense situation and before long, they start to fall into old habits, revisiting childhood traumas.
Roland is a loner in the bowling alley where he works. However, as the only witness of a tragic accident, he finds sudden confirmation from his colleagues by telling them the horrifying details. Slowly he starts embellishing the story.
The poor and pregnant maid Karen slaves her days away, taking care of the imprisoned noblewoman Rigmor. Their fragile friendship suddenly presents an opportunity for a better life, when Rigmor mentions a valuable treasure buried in the forest. In hope of freedom, the two women spite their differences and attempt an escape. But can they create an alliance across class, and flee from fate?
An example of an evening shift at a closed psychiatric ward that starts like many others. The nurse, Emma, meets to messages of sick leaves and acute patients - and the staff have to be creative to get through the shift in the best possible way. In just 20 minutes the confidence in the system will be put to a test.
Heavily pregnant and in the early summer heat, Mina has wandered up into the Montenegrin mountains in search of answers to the problems she is facing with her partner, Daniel. She longs for him, but she is full of doubt.
Malik feels like a stranger in Sweden after his family fled there from Iraq. In Sweden he is bullied and often gets into fights at school. When Saddam Hussein is hanged, the family decides to move back to Iraq, which excites Malik as he can now finally feel at home somewhere. Soon after arriving, however, Malik begins to feel the same strangeness that he did in Sweden. It begs the question: What is home and what does it really mean to belong somewhere?
De to venner, Alex (12) og Viktor (12), tilbringer en weekend alene i Viktors mors hus i Hellerup. Som aftenen skrider frem med dertil følgende gyserfilm, slik og chips, fortæller Viktor Alex en uhyggelig historie om huset overfor. Et hus hvor der i sin tid boede en gammel dame, som døde sidste vinter. Huset har været sat til salg lige siden, men er ikke solgt endnu. Historien gør så stort indtryk på Alex, at han får mareridt om huset. Næste morgen på børneværelset opdager de to drenge gennem Viktors fuglekikkert, at der er nogen eller noget, som er flyttet ind i det tomme, uhyggelige hus overfor. Motiveret af ren og skær nysgerrighed, beslutter de to venner sig til at finde ud af, hvem der er flyttet ind. Det bliver en weekend og en leg, som kommer til at ændre de to venners forhold for altid.
På en tur i byen får Andreas et varsel af en mystisk fremmed om, at hans ven Jannik er i fare. Bedre bliver det ikke, da han vågner næste dag til beskyldninger om, at han har været sin kæreste utro. Men Andreas plages af huller i erindringen. Da brikkerne efterhånden falder på plads, går det op for ham, at kærestens beskyldninger og den fremmed mands varsel er sammenbundet og hvert eneste valg han foretager sig, bringer ham tættere på katastrofen.