15-årige Daniel drømmer om et andet liv. Et liv i storbyen, langt fra outsider tilværelsen og vigtigst af alt væk fra sin altoverskyggende mor. Men han bærer også på en hemmelighed. Kan han tage afsted når hans mor har allermest brug for ham?
Dagen før en ung mand rejser i krig, tager han hjem på besøg.

Dagen før en ung mand rejser i krig, tager han hjem på besøg.
Cool Girl
En ung mand kommer til byen og synger sig lige ind i hjertet på en yndig servitrice. Men pludselig går det op for ham, hvorfor hun befinder sig, hvor hun gør. Cool Girl er en eventyrlig musical om kærlighed og frihed med musik af Superheroes.

En ung mand kommer til byen og synger sig lige ind i hjertet på en yndig servitrice. Men pludselig går det op for ham, hvorfor hun befinder sig, hvor hun gør. Cool Girl er en eventyrlig musical om kærlighed og frihed med musik af Superheroes.
En mand får et uventet og uønsket besøg af sin far.

En mand får et uventet og uønsket besøg af sin far.
Mats is on tour with a Swedish afrobeat band, working as their chauffeur, to escape the pain he has experienced back home. During the last vivid night of the tour, Mats struggles to join the happiness of the pulsating concert, when he meets a beautiful stranger whose mysterious actions pushes him to reach for self-insight and understanding.

Mats is on tour with a Swedish afrobeat band, working as their chauffeur, to escape the pain he has experienced back home. During the last vivid night of the tour, Mats struggles to join the happiness of the pulsating concert, when he meets a beautiful stranger whose mysterious actions pushes him to reach for self-insight and understanding.
Albert and Sixten are getting married. Today. The only problem is that if they were honest with each other, they shouldn’t even be a couple anymore. Frictions arise on the morning of the wedding, and quickly, it's obvious that something is completely wrong.

Albert and Sixten are getting married. Today. The only problem is that if they were honest with each other, they shouldn’t even be a couple anymore. Frictions arise on the morning of the wedding, and quickly, it's obvious that something is completely wrong.