Cecilie er 14 år og er frustreret over at være for lille. Hun er en energisk og vidensbegærlig pige, som er meget nysgerrig på sin gryende sexualitet. Vi følger hende I to dage, hvor storesøsteren Trine skal til fest på gymnasiet og I frustration over ikke at kunne komme med, gør Cecilie alt, hvad hun kan, for at bevise overfor omverdenen at hun er helt utrolig voksen og sagtens kan styre sit liv selv. Men hun kommer til at lære en lektion om sine egne personlige grænser.
Nadim er en minoritetsetnisk mand med tjek på tilværelsen. Han vil dog på ingen måde associeres med de mennesker, der ligner ham, men ikke kan opføre sig ordentligt. På vej til sin søsters fødselsdag sætter hans egen fordomsfuldhed ham i en position, der får dramatiske konsekvenser for ham.
Kira is a single mother struggling to build a better relationship with her distant teenage daughter, Lina. One day, Kira has a bright idea that she believes could pave the way for a stronger bond between them. In her attempt to make the idea a reality, enticing shadows of the past start catching up with her.
After the death of their father, Sigurd wants to bury the hatchet and forgive his half siblings, Astrid and Jens, for how they treated him as kids. But this does not go as planned, as Astrid and Jens do not believe they've done anything that warrants forgiveness. Sigurd feels snubbed and realizes that what he actually wants is an apology but this demand only escalates an already tense situation and before long, they start to fall into old habits, revisiting childhood traumas.
William is convinced it is his fault that the world is coming to an end. On the planet's last day, he is faced with a dilemma; Should he spend his last hours with his family, who have chosen to celebrate his disabled sister's birthday, or should he meet up with his crush, who is impatiently waiting for him at the local beach?