Dictated by democracy.

A Touch Of Magic

17 min
Class #07
This movie is not available yet

En sorthumoristik og poetisk fortælling om et lille menneske i et stort univers. I 1870’ernes London har industrialiseringen og jagten på fremskridt ændret folk. Inde i byen møder vi Emma, hvis kæreste har forladt hende til fordel for en forfremmelse. Overladt til en uvis skæbne, ledes hun af en sort kat ind i et nedlagt teater, hvor hun støder på den fallerede tryllekunstner Roberto. Opsat på at bevise sit værd sætter han alt ind på at imponere Emma med et sidste, spektakulært show. Men magien er ude af kontrol og Emma har ikke helt rent mel i posen.

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Gustav lives with his parents and works at their pig farm. All of his spare time he uses in front of the computer. Here he is part of a closed, online chat room, where peers socialize and support each other, but also share grim content and challenges each other's limits. When Gustav is challenged to film himself committing a violent and obscene act, he suddenly finds himself in a dilemma: Because on the same day Daniel, the new employee who is the same age as Gustav, arrives. And for the first time in a long time, Gustav experiences a new opportunity and interest in making and maintaining a meaningful social relation to another person close to him.

Final film
Class #11
29 min
Screened Off

Gustav lives with his parents and works at their pig farm. All of his spare time he uses in front of the computer. Here he is part of a closed, online chat room, where peers socialize and support each other, but also share grim content and challenges each other's limits. When Gustav is challenged to film himself committing a violent and obscene act, he suddenly finds himself in a dilemma: Because on the same day Daniel, the new employee who is the same age as Gustav, arrives. And for the first time in a long time, Gustav experiences a new opportunity and interest in making and maintaining a meaningful social relation to another person close to him.


First-year film
Class #02
9 min

Mellem Træerne

Agnethe er gravid og for langt henne til at få en abort. Som den sidste udvej opsøger hun sin far for at få hjælp.

First-year film
Class #05
15 min
Mellem Træerne

Agnethe er gravid og for langt henne til at få en abort. Som den sidste udvej opsøger hun sin far for at få hjælp.

En Anden Pige

Mette flytter fra sin mor og ind på et ferietomt kollegium på Amager. Men når hun er alene virker det pludselig ikke så tomt længere. Der er noget der trænger sig ind på hende.

Mid-term film
Class #02
21 min
En Anden Pige

Mette flytter fra sin mor og ind på et ferietomt kollegium på Amager. Men når hun er alene virker det pludselig ikke så tomt længere. Der er noget der trænger sig ind på hende.


Roland is a loner in the bowling alley where he works. However, as the only witness of a tragic accident, he finds sudden confirmation from his colleagues by telling them the horrifying details. Slowly he starts embellishing the story.

First-year film
Class #12
16 min

Roland is a loner in the bowling alley where he works. However, as the only witness of a tragic accident, he finds sudden confirmation from his colleagues by telling them the horrifying details. Slowly he starts embellishing the story.

Sofies Session

9-årige Sofie vågner alene hjemme. Hendes ensomhed bliver afbrudt af fremmede lyde i opgangen. Sofie går til angreb – og finder en sjælden fred.

First-year film
Class #04
12 min
Sofies Session

9-årige Sofie vågner alene hjemme. Hendes ensomhed bliver afbrudt af fremmede lyde i opgangen. Sofie går til angreb – og finder en sjælden fred.