Always evolving.

Louise Friedberg

Class #01

Louise Friedberg

Class #01
Louise Friedberg
went to cohort #
as a
and made
Super16 films of
Louise Friedberg
Det Jeg Husker

Mid-term film
19 min
Det Jeg Husker


Mika og Torsten er på vej mod deres sidste nytårsaften sammen. De er ikke længere kærester, men Torsten kan ikke tage sig sammen til at flytte og Mika håber endnu. Nytårsaften er et moderne melodrama om blind kærlighed og skæbnens ironi.

First-year film
8 min

Mika og Torsten er på vej mod deres sidste nytårsaften sammen. De er ikke længere kærester, men Torsten kan ikke tage sig sammen til at flytte og Mika håber endnu. Nytårsaften er et moderne melodrama om blind kærlighed og skæbnens ironi.

Det Jeg Husker
No film
Films of the same year
All films
Eje Veje Væk

Den 30-årige kejtede ungkarl PETER sejler flygtninge i land fra et fragtskib i Østersøen på onkel FINN´s lille fiskerbåd. Nemt job – gode penge.Peter har svært ved at sige til og fra. Han er verdens mest ubeslutsomme mand. Af samme grund har han også lidt svært med det der med piger. Han bor stadig i kælderen under sin mors hus og da han vil skjule en ung kvinde på flugt fra et arrangeret ægteskab kommer problemerne. Nu må Peter vælge – og det er ikke så let.

Final film
Class #01
27 min
Eje Veje Væk

Den 30-årige kejtede ungkarl PETER sejler flygtninge i land fra et fragtskib i Østersøen på onkel FINN´s lille fiskerbåd. Nemt job – gode penge.Peter har svært ved at sige til og fra. Han er verdens mest ubeslutsomme mand. Af samme grund har han også lidt svært med det der med piger. Han bor stadig i kælderen under sin mors hus og da han vil skjule en ung kvinde på flugt fra et arrangeret ægteskab kommer problemerne. Nu må Peter vælge – og det er ikke så let.


Lars har inviteret hans gamle gymnasieklasse hjem til middag, men fortryder og aflyser alle. Lars har en gammel drøm, som han planlægger, skal gå i opfindelse denne aften. Han mangler at aflyse en – hans gamle hemmelige kærlighed – Rikke. Som intet anede dukker op, til hvad der skulle være en festlig re-union. Kampen starter for Lars, om utroskab over for hans kæreste Lise, som er bortrejst, og hans gamle kærlighed til Rikke.

Final film
Class #01
16 min

Lars har inviteret hans gamle gymnasieklasse hjem til middag, men fortryder og aflyser alle. Lars har en gammel drøm, som han planlægger, skal gå i opfindelse denne aften. Han mangler at aflyse en – hans gamle hemmelige kærlighed – Rikke. Som intet anede dukker op, til hvad der skulle være en festlig re-union. Kampen starter for Lars, om utroskab over for hans kæreste Lise, som er bortrejst, og hans gamle kærlighed til Rikke.


First-year film
Class #01
14 min

Blind Date

En fyr skal på en date, en blind date. Uden at vide hvad der venter ham, møder han op med en stor flot rose.

First-year film
Class #01
5 min
Blind Date

En fyr skal på en date, en blind date. Uden at vide hvad der venter ham, møder han op med en stor flot rose.


Synops et kærlighedsdrama om den umulige kærlighed mellem et søskendepar.

Final film
Class #01

Synops et kærlighedsdrama om den umulige kærlighed mellem et søskendepar.


Mid-term film
Class #01
11 min

Super16 movies
All movies

After the death of their father, Sigurd wants to bury the hatchet and forgive his half siblings, Astrid and Jens, for how they treated him as kids. But this does not go as planned, as Astrid and Jens do not believe they've done anything that warrants forgiveness. Sigurd feels snubbed and realizes that what he actually wants is an apology but this demand only escalates an already tense situation and before long, they start to fall into old habits, revisiting childhood traumas.

First-year film
Class #12
27 min

After the death of their father, Sigurd wants to bury the hatchet and forgive his half siblings, Astrid and Jens, for how they treated him as kids. But this does not go as planned, as Astrid and Jens do not believe they've done anything that warrants forgiveness. Sigurd feels snubbed and realizes that what he actually wants is an apology but this demand only escalates an already tense situation and before long, they start to fall into old habits, revisiting childhood traumas.

Wild Child

The film takes place in a near-future, where earth has punished all adults for not taking properly care of our planet. We follow a group of kids, left all by themselves in a trashed world, living day by day and trying to avoid the unknown future. The kids put all their fear into hating the adults, but what will happen when one of the kids starts to become one?

Mid-term film
Class #12
23 min
Wild Child

The film takes place in a near-future, where earth has punished all adults for not taking properly care of our planet. We follow a group of kids, left all by themselves in a trashed world, living day by day and trying to avoid the unknown future. The kids put all their fear into hating the adults, but what will happen when one of the kids starts to become one?

FOMO / Armageddon

William is convinced it is his fault that the world is coming to an end. On the planet's last day, he is faced with a dilemma; Should he spend his last hours with his family, who have chosen to celebrate his disabled sister's birthday, or should he meet up with his crush, who is impatiently waiting for him at the local beach?

Mid-term film
Class #12
12 min
FOMO / Armageddon

William is convinced it is his fault that the world is coming to an end. On the planet's last day, he is faced with a dilemma; Should he spend his last hours with his family, who have chosen to celebrate his disabled sister's birthday, or should he meet up with his crush, who is impatiently waiting for him at the local beach?


'Companion AI' is a new technology that allows for the implantation of relationships through a chip. Saga is anti-tech, lonely, and struggles to connect with others, as popular technology creates distance between people. When she reunites with her childhood friend Etta, whom she misses in her life, she sees an opportunity to rekindle a genuine and deep relationship. However, Etta herself has a 'companion,' making it challenging to reestablish their bond. This drives Saga on a journey where she must compromise and turn inward in the pursuit of a genuine relationship.

Mid-term film
Class #12
14 min

'Companion AI' is a new technology that allows for the implantation of relationships through a chip. Saga is anti-tech, lonely, and struggles to connect with others, as popular technology creates distance between people. When she reunites with her childhood friend Etta, whom she misses in her life, she sees an opportunity to rekindle a genuine and deep relationship. However, Etta herself has a 'companion,' making it challenging to reestablish their bond. This drives Saga on a journey where she must compromise and turn inward in the pursuit of a genuine relationship.


The poor and pregnant maid Karen slaves her days away, taking care of the imprisoned noblewoman Rigmor. Their fragile friendship suddenly presents an opportunity for a better life, when Rigmor mentions a valuable treasure buried in the forest. In hope of freedom, the two women spite their differences and attempt an escape. But can they create an alliance across class, and flee from fate?

First-year film
Class #12
24 min

The poor and pregnant maid Karen slaves her days away, taking care of the imprisoned noblewoman Rigmor. Their fragile friendship suddenly presents an opportunity for a better life, when Rigmor mentions a valuable treasure buried in the forest. In hope of freedom, the two women spite their differences and attempt an escape. But can they create an alliance across class, and flee from fate?

Kuglen & Keglen

Roland is a loner in the bowling alley where he works. However, as the only witness of a tragic accident, he finds sudden confirmation from his colleagues by telling them the horrifying details. Slowly he starts embellishing the story.

First-year film
Class #12
16 min
Kuglen & Keglen

Roland is a loner in the bowling alley where he works. However, as the only witness of a tragic accident, he finds sudden confirmation from his colleagues by telling them the horrifying details. Slowly he starts embellishing the story.